Learn How to Maximize Scholarships and Grants
No Matter How Much Money You Make!

ATTENTION HIGH INCOME FAMILIES: In this Free Instant Access Training Andrew is going to teach Parents that make over 200K how to Maximize Scholarships and Grants and show you how to get Your fare share of Financial Aid regardless of how much money you make!


There are new College Admissions & FAFSA timelines that your family needs to be aware of! We’ll discuss the financial aid eligibility formula and countless other information you need to understand while in high school, to receive the maximum amount of grants, scholarships and financial aid in college!

“I'm sure I’ll gain thousands of dollars of financial aid just from what I learned in this video.”

Robert T.

Parent of High School Junior

“Opened our eyes to look at colleges we thought were out of our price range.”

John S.

Parent of High School Junior

“Extremely informative presentation- clear, concise and easy to understand.”

Emily W.

Parent of High School Senior

As seen on

Are You Stressed About:

  • How expensive college is going to be.
  • Applying & qualifying for enough financial aid.
  • How to get scholarships.
  • Figuring out the best way to pay for college.
  • How you're going to pay for college.
  • Your child going into massive debt for college.
  • The entire, complicated college planning process.

Are you worried that you make too much money to qualify for scholarships and grants? 

If this describes you, you can't afford to miss this FREE Instant Access training!

Join the 1,000+ parents that learned how to Pay Less for College. In this Free Live Training, Andrew is going to teach you how to:

  • How to qualify for MORE Financial Aid
  • How to maximize scholarships & grants (Don't leave money on the table)
  • How to navigate the confusion caused by the recent FAFSA deadline changes
  • How to pick the right schools that will give you the best financial aid packages
  • How to create a plan to pay for college in any economy without relying on 529 plans, expensive private student-loans or raiding your retirement accounts
  • How to increase your college-related tax deductions and tax credits
  • How to send your child to an expensive private college for less than a state school
  • How to lower your "out-of-pocket" costs and get the maximum amount of financial aid from each school
  • How the U. S. Department of Education calculates your Expected Family Contribution (EFC) and which assets-are taken into consideration
  • College funding in a post Covid-19 world

What our 1,000+ Parents have to say:

Meet Your Expert

Meet Your Expert

Andrew Hathaway

Andrew Hathaway, CCFS® Founder & College Funding Specialist

After years of working with my clients and helping them plan for retirement, it became clear to me that paying for college is one of the biggest barriers to a secure financial future.

Over the course of time, I began to learn about different strategies available to maximize financial aid and to reduce out of pocket costs. With my background in financial planning, I was able to combine these two disciplines to save parents time, energy, money through the process of sending their children to college.

Our goal is to prevent you from becoming a casualty of the "system" before your kids go to school, not after.

Andrew is a Certified College Funding Specialist (CCFS). He also has a Series 65 and life insurance licenses.

Andrew's Areas of Expertise


Financial aid can come in the forms of grants, scholarships, and loans. Paying for college is a lot like buying an airline ticket - no one really pays full price anymore. We help you find additional funds and navigate the complicated process of qualifying for additional financial aid dollars.


Don't wait until the tuition bill shows up to figure out where the money will come from, and how you are going to pay for it. Our detailed financial planning will help implement strategies to reduce your out of pocket costs as well as to know where every dollar will come from, ahead of time. 


A large part of the college planning battle is choosing the right school. We will interview your student and learn more about what makes them tick, and help pick the right major/degree program for them at a school that is the right "fit."


We are experts at negotiating with schools through a formal appeals process. We are often able to find additional financial aid through this process. 


Once we identify the right school for your student, we provide them with the best positioning strategies and application help to ensure they are accepted. 


We do the legwork to find the most relevant and likely scholarships for your son or daughter to apply for.


30 Minute Strategy Session with Andrew Hathaway for Free!

Who This Training Is For:

  • Parents with $200,000+ Annual Income
  • Parents of High School Students
  • Parents of Middle School Students (The Earlier the Better!)
  • Parents Who Want More Financial Aid / Scholarships

Who This Training Is NOT For:

  • Parents of Students Already in College
  • Families Who Already Easily Qualify for Financial Aid
  • Families Who Make Less than $200,000
  • People Who Don't Mind Paying Full Price for College

Don't leave money on the table. Sign Up Now for the Hathaway College Funding Free Live Training!